I have some great herbal formulas to keep you and your children healthy during the upcoming cold and flu season. For example:
1) Yin Chiao Chieh Tu Pien: This formula treats a cold that starts with a sore throat. Also for the kind of cold that feels like allergies with itching and sneezing, and a scratchy throat.
2) Sang Zhu Yin Wan: This formula is for a cold that starts with a dry hacking cough and a dry blocked nose. A “dry” cold.
3) Gan Mao Ling: This formula contains herbs with powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties. It’s especially good for the kind of cold that starts with feeling chilled or very tired and run-down.
Stock these, and other traditional Chinese herbal formulas in your medicine cabinet and you will be well-armed with natural and time tested remedies to keep you and your children healthy this. Better, schedule a wellness appointment with me when you are not sick. Based on your constitution and health history, I will determine which preventative herbs and other measures will be the most effective for you.
Remember: Regular acupuncture and moxabustion treatments boost immunity and prevent illness.
More on moxabustion in my next blog!