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Tele-Health: Get Two Abbys for the Price of One!

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

I am now offering a Tele-Health program in response to COVID-19 that I will describe below. But first I want to give you a little background. I participated in a “virtual town hall” of 3,500 acupuncturists from around the world. Our colleagues in the Far East are on the front lines, working side by side with Western physicians treating acute COVID-19 patients in hospital settings.

They are sharing with us their observations of sick patients, patterns of differential diagnosis, and protocols using acupuncture, moxibustion and Chinese herbal formulations to achieve remarkable recoveries.

In the West, our system is set up very differently: Chinese Medicine is considered alternative/complementary versus fully integrated into the mainstream of medicine.

There has been a slow, ongoing bridging of East/West medicines in the US…for example some hospitals now offer wellness clinics with acupuncturists on staff. COVID-19 may facilitate a further integration: as front line doctors fall ill, hospitals may enlist help from allied health professionals such as acupuncturists who are willing to step up and serve. So, I’m learning all I can about preventing and treating the various manifestations of this illness.

The current directive I’ve received from my professional associations is: If you are in an acute situation (such as acute pain) and you are considering using a hospital at this time, we can discuss whether or not it would be advisable (taking realistic precautions) for me to perform acupuncture or acupressure on you. In that instance, I would be reducing the burden on the hospital system, and helping you if your condition is being triaged. In non-emergency cases, it is advised that we “flatten the curve” and postpone face-to-face treatments at this time.

I am currently offering one-hour tele-health consults during which I take an extremely thorough look at your current health situation (we go into much greater depth than I have time for in a busy clinical setting). I then prescribe custom herbal formulations, dietary adjustments and other lifestyle changes to help keep you healthy and and calm during this time of transition.

This service will evolve as I become more tech savvy, but in this initial stage, you will benefit from my 30 years of clinical experience, and the fact that I currently have more time to devote to researching every aspect of your situation in order to provide you with the most current and detailed health suggestions and prescriptions.

One thing you may not know about me is that in addition to my Chinese medicine and acupuncture training, I have a master’s degree in library science. So, with more time at home, I have more time to research you and help you with your current health quandaries.

I am currently charging $90 per 1 hour tele-consult. This is the same as my $90 in-office rate. It is a fantastic deal, considering that the amount of time I actually will spend on your case will be at least twice that. This is why I call it “Two Abby’s (or two times Abby) For the Price of One”.

Also, this price of $90 is likely to rise over time, to be commensurate with what other wholistic clinicians and experts charge (with similar years of experience as myself). But, because I am new to this online realm, you can for now receive top tier wholistic tele-health support at a great price!

If you have lost your job, due to COVID-19, I feel your pain! Call me to discuss a reduced rate. If your financial situation is currently stable, please consider adding a tip to the base amount. I have been serving the Newton and surrounding communities for 30 years, and your generosity will ensure that I am still financially afloat and able to continue to serve you in person once this crisis is over.

Currently, I am able to consult with you via both Zoom and Facetime. And, I now accept credit card payments via Paypal as well as personal checks sent by mail.

Lots of love,




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